An evolving commitment to feminist digital infrastructures

Paola Mosso

In our time of climate emergency and growing efforts to erode democratic relationships and information ecosystems, perspectives around equity, enjoyment and care help us reimagine futures that nurture and regenerate relationships and natural ecosystems.

Innovation is not for free

Julia Keseru

How can we continue experimenting with technology’s liberatory potential, without sacrificing too much?

How can the digital rights community support Climate Justice?

Barbara Paes
Sara Baker

After publishing our report exploring the intersections of digital rights, tech and climate justice, we wanted to make space to collectively imagine what it would look like to turn our research findings into action.

Report: Improving Access to Water Services in Sierra Leone

Nonso Jideofor

In 2017, we partnered with Code for Sierra Leone through our Matchbox Program to collaborate on a project that aimed to improve access to water in Sierra Leone through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Last month, we shared a blogpost detailing opportunities we identified, and highlighted the need to build upon existing local solutions. This […]

Using Data on Rainforests to Influence Investors: Our New Quick-Start Guide

Tom Walker

How can social change organisations influence companies to do the right thing for the environment? One way is to influence the people and organisations who invest in them. For example, Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) has successfully made the world’s largest sovereign wealth fund, Norway’s Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG), adopt tropical deforestation as a priority issue in reducing […]

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